• Club Counselor

  • Ramonda Hanze
  • Purpose

    RISC Takers FC has appointed Ramonda Hanze as Club Counselor to provide support to all members of RISC Takers and their parents or guardians. Ramonda will provide assistance to members with their social-emotional growth and or challenges when needed. The Club Counselor is an independent professional within the association who you can go to with problems you have and that you can't discuss with a coach or board member.


    Ramonda is a professional within the Mental Health Profession. Please watch the introducition video of Ramonda below.

  • Protocol

    Any member, parent/guardian or volunteer can contact the Club Counselor. The Club Counselor will advise based upon her professional evaluation. This advice can range from personal feedback, to referral to any other professional or governmental institution. The communication is strictly confidential, under no case the Club Counselor will notify a board member, coach, or any other person without approval of the counseled. If based upon the communication the Club Counselor finds the need to contact or consult a third party, the Club Counselor will need permission from the counseled to do so. All further steps will be determined based upon communication between the Club Counselor and the counseled. As a Menthal Health Professional, the Club Counselor, even though working as a volunteer, will work according to the ethical and legal regulations. The Club Counselor will report any incidents to the appropreate entity, regulated by law. Practical issues related to RISC Takers are a matter of the RISC Takers Board.